Age: 22
Hometown: Houston, TX
College: University of Texas at San Antonio
Year: Senior
Major: Marketing
Dream Job: I have no idea what I want to do
Favorite Twang product: I love the cocktail candy! I am obsessed! I love the sweet taste and all of the different flavors!
Most unique skill or quality: I think that I have a really great imagination!
What would your best friend would describe you as? I’m like Chuck Norris. Words cannot even begin to describe me.
Favorite hobby: Arts and Crafts
What celebrity would you be? And why? I would be whoever is married to or dating Kris Hemsworth. He is such a cutie!! Unless it was Scarlett Johansen, if it was her then I wouldn’t want to be her because I really don’t like her.
Age: 21
Hometown: Manhattan Beach, CA
College: University of Texas at Austin
Year: Senior
Major: Business Management
Dream Job: I have two dream jobs: Concert Promoter and Skydive Instructor. I would love to bring bands and artists to different cities and venues around the country in order to showcase their talents. On the other hand, I love the outdoors and skydiving is unlike any experience I have ever had before.
Favorite Twang Product (& why): My favorite Twang product is the Caliente Beer Salt. I love how it adds a little heat and extra flavor to an ordinary beer.
Most unique skill or quality: I can pick things up with my toes
What your best friend would describe you as: Energetic, outgoing, and hard working
Favorite hobby: Drawing
If you could be any celebrity, who would it be and why? Pink, I love her music and think it would be so much fun to be a rock star and travel around the world.
Nickname: Jesus
Age: 22
Hometown: Converse, TX.
College: UTSA
Year: Junior
Major: Music Marketing
Dream Job: Spanish Classical Guitar Performer
Favorite Twang Product (& why): Twangerz, Can put it on practically anything and it'll taste good.
Most unique skill or quality: Being musically inclined.
What your best friend would describe you as: Insane for pulling some of the stunts I do in parkour.
Favorite hobby: Photo Manipulation
If you could be any
celebrity, who would it be and why? Tony Jaa. So that I can perform his
style of martial arts, and have fun doing it.